School Site Council
Everyone is welcome to attend SSC meetings. The SSC meets throughout the year. Meeting information is available on the school website.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment - CLICK BELOW
The SSC develops and reviews the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) including goals and budget. Other items covered at meetings include development/review of the Home-School Compact, Safe School Plan, Parent Involvement Policy, explanations of Williams Act,Uniform Complaint Procedure, and LCAP goals. Elections for a 3 year post are held at the beginning of each school year.
The Eucalyptus School Site Council (SSC) consists of elected parents and staff members of Eucalyptus School:
Sheri Demoff
Alicia Espericueta
Noreen Gordon
Diamond Manzanares
Angela Ortiz
Gabriela Paniagua
Jezabel Salas
Sophia Vuong
Nina Wennerstrand
Helen Yoo